Update :: November What?

My desk at work…
I can’t believe that it’s November already. Where has the time gone?
Last night my lesson was cancelled due to my coach taking her grandkids out trick or treating, and so Andrew and I decided to have a date night. He took me out for dinner, and was had a splendid time. I’ve missed him this week, as we haven’t seen each other much as he’s been working really late. We also haven’t been texting as much as he smashed his phone’s screen, and it doesn’t really respond the same anymore. It was so nice to semi-dress up, have a romantic dinner for 2 and talk about our lives in the moment. We then headed back to my place and like two old people did homework and paperwork. It didn’t even feel like Halloween last night. My neighbourhood was almost devoid of kids (they must have been in the neighbourhood opposite my street), and my building didn’t do anything for it either. As I dressed up during the weekend, I had nothing left to look forward too. Although, I never did carve my pumpkin, and it’s still in my trunk…Epic Fail.

I’m currently pigging out on Halloween junk brought in by co-workers desparate to get it out of their houses, and so I’ve never felt the need more than now to hit the gym… again. It’s been about two weeks since I’ve been there, life has just been so busy. I need to start conciously making the effort once again, and remember how good I feel afterwards! Starting to feel like a blob again. It’ll feel great to hit up yoga again. So stiff lately.

 Ready for the gym, and the garbage of all the junk I’ve eaten today . 
It’s good to have the little beastie back at home too, I missed having him around! Although, I think my apartment needs a major something because as soon as he was back my allergies have gotten worse! I love it when he sleeps at my feet. Makes me so happy!
My list of major things to do to apartment!
The best thing about November is that I’m almost done this lot of classes. The worst thing [other than the impending cold] is Andrew growing out his beard for Movember… blech.  Happy Thursday everyone!
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