Recap :: Weekend No. 48

Ah what a lazy way to spend the weekend. The complete opposite of the weekend before, but that’s the way of it. And I had planned for this weekend to be way lazier anyways.
Friday the snow suddenly hit, and was terrible! My car definitely needs it’s snow tires on, and traffic was super shitty. I was going to go to yoga, but as it took me almost 20 minutes to get out of my work parking lot to the light down the road [that normally take 2 minutes] I decided that I didn’t want to risk it getting worse an hour and a half later. I finally did make it home, but it took me a crazy hour and a half. At that rate, I might have been better off going to yoga. I had a couple scares with sliding over the road, but I made it home safe and sound.

Saturday, most of the snow had disappeared, so I spent the day inside and cleaning and homeworking. I finished my last assignment for Reports and Presentations, hallelujah!! What a great feeling to be done with that course. Here’s praying that I never have her as an online teacher again. Then I headed over to Andrew’s house were we just chilled watching some tv. Good Saturday night in.

Sunday I think was the best day. We slept in until 1.30 pm. I haven’t done that in YEARS. A total waste of the day, but we had decided that we wanted to spend the entire day in bed. 🙂 Totally romantic. Haha. Pretty exciting stuff. Watched Elf on tv, and then headed to his parents for dinner. Om nom. Real food! I’m going to be living off soup that I made last week for lunches this week. Although, I’ll be done class early tonight as I have a test and it’s the final test. WOOT, another class finished!! I can’t wait, 2 more classes to do in E-Commerce and then I’m done for the semester. It will be amazing, and I can’t wait for that break.
Where I wish I was right now….
Happy Monday everyone!
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