Recap :: Christmas Days

Aw super cute throw back instead!

I know that New Year’s should technically come after Christmas, but what can I say? I’m a rebel. Christmas this year was a little less hectic than last year, but not by much.

Since both our families were doing something on the Christmas Eve this year, I decided that I would go to my family’s, and miss out on Andrew’s, as his family always trundles off to Christmas Mass [which I went to last year, and lived to tell the tale]. Instead, Andrew came over for the dinner portion and went home around 8.30. Man it was so crowded at my Oma’s place! We had a whopping 14 people at one point, and we couldn’t fit everyone around the table. We had to add another table, and all squeeze in like sardines. But that’s what makes the holidays great. The imperfections of the festivities. Soon after everyone had sat down to full plates of food, suddenly there was a knock on the door. Surprise, surprise! It’s my cousin and aunt who had pretty much estranged themselves from the family. That made for an interesting night, but everything seemed to go pretty well. My cousin and I had a good chat, and there were lots of laughs and good times.

The only downfall to the evening was realizing that Andrew had accidentally taken my keys so I had to leave my car at Oma’s. Not a big deal since I was going home with my parents anyways and staying the night there. It only meant that Andrew would have to come get me. Which was fine, but he got a little pissy because I wasn’t ready to leave when he arrived. Ah well, some times things just don’t work right for me. My timing has been really off lately. Sometimes a girl just can’t help that. I drove quickly home, had a quick change and rushed to get everything done. I managed to get the books I forgot the night before to my cousin, and still be on time to Andrew’s house. Go me!

Dinner at his place was quite the affair as well. I met another side of his dad’s family, which was interesting. I’d heard lots about them but this was the first meeting. Loud, but just like my family so nothing I couldn’t handle. It’s always in good fun anyways. Dinner was a massive turkey feast with all the fixings, and cakes and chocolate and candies for dessert. Exchanging of presents, and then Andrew and I headed downstairs for a little tv time. Mad Men anyone? Finished season 1, and just started season 2. Can I say mind blown??

Then I headed home and slept in for the rest of the day. Mmhmm. Not really. I had plans all of Boxing day, and then I worked on my birthday. And the rest, as they say, is history. AKA I’ve already mentioned it all here. And I was a terrible blogger and took no pictures the entire holiday. Also, the phone was out of order for most of it. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. 
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