Life :: Wedding Bliss Round 2

I think that this wedding was just a little more meaningful to me because it was my buddy getting married. And while I’m not extremely close with him anymore, we still are very good friends, and can always pick up the phone and chat like old times. We used to hang out all the time during high school, we played softball a couple summers ago, and then life gets busy [me with school, him with planning a wedding] and we don’t talk near as often as we should. But as Rob said as we were leaving the wedding, both of us are guilty on that point.

It wasn’t the best day for a wedding, weather-wise. A little chilly, a little windy, a little grey. But as it was all inside it didn’t really matter. Andrew and I thought we were going to be late after eating a sit-down lunch, totally not realizing that the hotel was literally across the street from the restaurant. Damn GPS for telling us to go around in circles. We make it there, and like weddings it didn’t start on time anyways, so no need for the rush. It was great to see Rob again, and Hassaan. It tells you how rushed I was feeling, I completely forgot to change my shoes! So Andrew and I pick out our seats, and then I rush out, change shoes, and rush back inside [and I feel like a whole new woman in 6″ stilettos].

The ceremony was gorgeous. Touching and sweet, with 2 readings by 2 of Rob’s uncles. It was short and to the point, and they even did a sand ceremony. I liked that little touch, but I think I’d want to plant a tree for Andrew and I. After a rather long kiss, they were husband and wife. Such an adorable couple too.

The only downside to this wedding is that there was a 2.5 hour gap between the wedding and the reception. So what do we do? We decided to visit the Semmens and see their new home [which is gorgeous] and have a nice visit with them. And it was lovely. The sun attempted to come out at this point, and we had a good chat and then it was time to head back. 2.5 hours does fly by when you’re having a good time, in good company!

Headed back to the reception, and made our way to our table, after a receiving line. I wasn’t sure who would all be at the table with us, but it was a good table, and we had a good time at the end of the night. Dinner was amazing. There are no words for the dinner other than perfection. Everything was cooked to perfection and tasted amazing. Sadly, I didn’t even take a picture of it, I was too busy eating it! During the dinner there were speeches by Hassaan [the best man], the parents on both sides, and sister of the groom. The speeches were perfect too, that perfect combo of funny and touching, making everyone in the room tear up. Then after dinner it went straight into dancing. The DJ had us all up and dancing, and then I never left the dance floor except to either get a drink, rest my feet for maybe a moment, or go to the bathroom. I’m a dancing machine! Who knows all the words to all the songs, and like to freak drunk people around me with that. That makes me laugh when I see people tripping over the fact that I can sing along with all the songs, and really not miss a beat. I killed Andrew, so he slept the entire way home and I won the centrepiece. Go me!

A big, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Rob and Christin Robinson, the newlyweds!!! 
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