Toronto :: Corona Paint Party

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Somewhat the official start to summer, beer parties! Even though we didn’t actually make it into the event to get painted on, it was still an amazing night.

Briana and I decided to go to this awhile ago, and I dragged along Andrew and Dennis. It was actually perfect because we made an even pairing and every one had met previously at Andrew’s bbq. So, while we were running a bit late, only by a half hour, we finally made it down to Dundas Square. And it was packed. I seriously underestimated how popular an event like this would be…We met up with Briana and while the boys decided not get all painted up, Briana and I went to join the line for registration. Which honestly didn’t seem long at all…

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But wait, it just keeps going… 2.5 hours later we were still standing in line. Our feet were killing us, and we were completely starving. The boys did bring us ice caps, but I went to go check out how much longer the wait was going to be… and it looked like we had another couple hours to go! So we decided to cut our losses and meet up with the boys and grab some food.

It looked like fun… 
Super fancy! 

The boys had decided to go try and get reservations at Jack Astor’s on the patio, but they also had a ridiculous waiting list, so they crashed at the Japanese restaurant across the hall. Mm sushi! I was excited for that, and they do have pretty decent food. I don’t find Spring restaurants the greatest in general, but it was good. It definitely filled the spot. And, it was the start of my amazing ramen search through Toronto.

On the patio

They were able to go out on the patio too, for a little bit. We arrived, sat on the patio and tried to decide what we wanted to eat, when the wind really started to pick up. Soon thereafter, we were told the the rain was coming in about 15 minutes and would we like a table inside. We of course agreed, and then the rain hit. So everyone on the patio rushed inside, and we were the only ones [I think] that stayed around waiting for them to fix us a table. I think everyone else just went and sat down where ever.  We finally get seated and then start ordering a crazy amount of food. We were so hungry! 

So much food, it’s all so delicious!

We actually polished off mostly everything but the rice, it was a lot! So Briana took it home and had meals for the rest of the weekend. The ramen was decent, but nothing to special. It definitely tasted like it was missing something. I don’t know what that something is though. 

Super cute take out bags… 

Then we left there, and walked around for a bit since it was still super early. We ended up walking around the Ryerson campus, and having a couple drinks in their campus pub. Andrew bought me a drink and it tasted awful. I realized later that he bought me a double which is why I could barely drink it. I wasn’t too pleased with him. But regardless, we had a great walk around the city, and then got caught in the rain. Andrew and I went home at 11.30, and went straight to bed, while the other two went their separate ways but still went out. Yes, we are old people. I was really happy at the end of the night that I wasn’t super painted up because I would have had to shower before going to bed, instead of just sliding into bed and into oblivion.

It was a great night out, just not the night out we had originally planned. Can’t wait to do more events around Toronto this summer!
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