Life :: Moving Update

Everything of mine is now currently at the new place. I’ve now just got to find the time to unpack all of my shit.

Totally not daunting at all.

The really nice thing is that with it painted, and driving to it every day it’s feeling a little more like “mine” and less like “the awful tiny apartment”. And actually a lot of my furniture fits, so I might have been acting just a little bit like a drama queen.

I’m still beyond excited to be living with Andrew, it’s a very exciting life moment for us. But for now, don’t mind the mess, but here are some pictures of my new place!

The living room from the front door

The living room from the corner

The kitchen…

The hallway

The bathroom awesome cabinet

The second bedroom
I actually had a picture of the master bedroom, but it’s not showing up on my camera… So that one will have to wait! I can’t wait until we get everything in and are actually living there. [And my baby cat come back home!]
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