Life :: Canadian Macrobiotic’s Presents: MacroFeast!

On the 26th of October, Briana of Canadian Macrobiotics, hosted her 2nd annual MacroFeast. This event is fully vegan, locally grown and  organically sustained fruits and vegetables that she created into an amazing feast and event. As always, her decor and table settings were gorgeous and immaculate, and the house smelt amazing when we first walked in. She was a little frazzled because of timing, but it all came together in the end. She is both a great hostess, and a great cook.

Busy working away in the kitchen, stirring soups and curries, she created the finishing touches to her menu.

Can’t forget the guests! Powder, her puppy [who is eight], plus some of her old high school friends [Marlin and Abe] as well as some new [myself and Dennis]. More showed up as the night got a bit later, but the conversation flowed and we had some interesting topics come up! I always end up leaving really liking all of Briana’s friends, and thinking that she has a very intellectual group of people that she hangs out with. And that I always want to hang out with them more!

First course, roasted pumpkin and vegetable soup, with croutons. Now, I am oddly very picky about my soups. This is a very heavy and hearty soup, and while I’ve never really enjoyed many soups that look like baby food, this was amazing. I also am extremely picky about bread in my soup, and the croutons made the soup even better! Although, I would have preferred them on the side so that they weren’t mush by the time I got to half of them. But that’s because I don’t enjoy soggy bread in my soup. Who knew that I was such a picky soup eater? All in all, delicious!  Second [and main] course was lentil curry over basmati rice, with roasted cauliflower on the side. Briana makes a delicious curry, as this wasn’t my first time indulging in it, and it was darn delicious this time around too! Cauliflower is my least favourite vegetable, but she made a convert outta me! Cauliflower has now been added to my list of veggies to cook this winter. And so simply done as well.

Now, I don’t have a picture of her dessert, but that’s because I hoovered it into my face before I even remembered to take a picture of it! She made “cheese”cake, same consistency but with out the cheese! Sign me up, especially since I dislike cheesecake. One bad experience with it, and it’s all downhill from there. Dessert with tea and great conversation is always a great way to cap off a great dinner. Casual dinner topics included but not limited too books, movies and what everyone does for a living [since we were all pretty much strangers].

For all the recipes to everything that was at the dinner, head over to the Canadian Macrobiotic blog where Briana posts about all things: recipes, beauty and gardening. Thanks Briana for hosting such an incredible night, and I can’t wait until next year!
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