Life :: 101 in 1001 Update

Well it’s been a while since I’ve talked about these, and since I’ve recently scratched a few off, AND completed thinking of 101 things, why not take a moment to update?

Yay for completing the list!! If you notice, it isn’t in really chronological order, and I’m counting that side 1,2,3… in the 101.

So recent things that have been crossed off are Moving in with Andrew!! That’s the biggie. And I love it. It would be a little more perfect if we actually were able to see each other more than just before bed, but we’re working on that. We are getting better at this, we usually see each other on weekends now. Things are good.

Now, I just need to get cracking on the rest of this list, like making recipes!! I have so many cookbooks, and have yet to make anything out of them. And I have so many more that I want to add to that list! This coming year will see the crossing off of a few more items, like graduating school, and maybe even getting engaged ;).

A girl can dream. And hopefully, get my financials in order so that I can do some of the crazy things I want to do next year! 
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