Life :: Obsession with Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki. The man is a legend in the animation world.

He even has his own museum in his home town (which is also on my bucket list of things to do in Japan).

I don’t know when or where my obsession with Japanese culture started, but I am definitely addicted. I read manga like I wish it was my job, and have a dying need to visit the country soon. At least once. I remember growing up and watching films like My Neighbour Totoro (still obsessed) which just grew when I realized he had more than that film.

Porco Rosso, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Lupin the Third, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Nausicaa of the Winds, Princess Monoke, I’ve seen them all. Although I haven’t gotten caught up on his latest movies.

I think it’s been a bit of a blow to me that he’s retired from creating more… It’s so sad! I remember how ecstatic I feel every time he has a new one out.


I’m such a fan girl. While I was in Disneyworld, we were at the Japan part of Epcot – and there was all of this Miyazaki/Totoro stuff. I could not decide what I wanted to get. I ended up not getting anything of that stuff, mainly because it was expensive and breakable. So I’m going to have a gander online to find i a little bit cheaper (hopefully).


Can I please have all the mugs and cups and plates?

What’s something that you totally fan-girl or geek out about? I want to know! 

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