Weekend Recap

Here we are, another Monday. And another count down begins!! EAST COAST in 12 more days!! I can’t even explain how excited I am for this. This will be our first road trip, first trip, first everything together. Woot woot! Downloading the Blogger app, and I’ll be good to go, posting little quick entries during my trip. And I’m sure that I’ll be posting on Instagram, and Twitter, so follow me there too!

Anyways, Andrew was sick for the entire weekend, so no cottage. That’s alright because it allowed me to actually get something done. Saturday night I picked up wings and fries, scooped up Andrew, and headed over to Mom’s place. We all ate dinner together, and then went for a swim. I was alright for a bit and then got cold. And then had a cramp so I couldn’t swim to get warm. I got out, took a hot shower and then sat in the sauna. It was nice to get all toasty again, and then Mom, Andrew and Coby came in, and made the sauna super hot, and so then I left. Then Andrew, Mom and I watched the Last Song on tv. Love that movie… I dunno what it is about Nicholas Sparks books/movies, but they always make me cry. And I love Miley’s style in that movie. Her hair makes me want to have long hair [even though I know I can’t] and I also want to start playing the piano again…

Anyways, headed home after the movie, and then went to sleep. Sunday I actually slept in, and slowly came to life. Showered, and then went grocery shopping. I feel like I haven’t had a fridge full of edible food in a long time. Trust when I say I found some not so appetizing things in there… *shifty eyes* Fridge full, I started cleaning. I vacuumed my apartment, love that it’s so tiny that I was literally done in 5 minutes. Cleaned and put away dishes. Finally put away all the movies that were sitting in the box by my bed. That was pretty momentous. They’re now all on the shelf, alphabetized. I now need to start on the books, but I might be going through and getting rid of some. Some that don’t “fit” [aka were in the bargain bin and were good, but not good enough to read a million times].

Next up on the cleaning list: My bedroom desk and drawers under my bed. I think this weekend I’m going to stay home as well, so that I can get some more stuff done before the vacation happens. I’m going to work on some DIY stuff, and get some paperwork done for Andrew, and get the last bit of things for the trip. I probably shouldn’t buy anything new, but… What the hell. You only live once. Plus, it’s kind of stuff that I need for the trip…

I did some shopping on the weekend as well, and those will be posted up this week! Have a happy Monday!
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