Life :: Packing Efficiently for Travel

Didn’t I just come back from a trip?

**This post is sponsored, but all opinions are my own.

Well, I’m already planning my next one. I’m headed back to the Netherlands! This time I’m taking off with my mom and brother, so it’ll be a completely different trip, and I’m only going for 1 week.
After my last vacation, doesn’t even seem like a long enough time! But as I’m only going to one country this time, I think that a week will definitely be more than enough time.

In retrospect to my last trip – I will definitely try to do much more planning. I want to get more seen and done, and see more of the country than I did last time. I pretty much only stayed in Cuijk, and our day trip into Amsterdam was… memorable, but not in a good way.

But planning aside (there will most likely be another post regarding that closer to when I decide to leave), there’s also so much that I would change in how I packed my bag.

Step 1 – Not bring a backpack. I would definitely bring an actual suitcase on this trip. No more digging through many layers of clothing to get to the bottom of my damn bag.

Step 2 – I probably wouldn’t bring as many clothes as I did last time. More socks. Better shoes.

Step 3 – And I’ll definitely be using this infographic to pack my bag this time.

Courtesy of: Bluegala

Do you have any handy tips for me to use for this upcoming trip? Did you learn anything new with this one?

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