Tag: LuxeBox


Beauty :: March LuxeBox

Beauty :: March LuxeBox

Ahhh already that time of the month. Luxeboxes are out! And it’s always exciting to get that butterfly feeling in your stomach of “Is it going to be there when I get home?” and “I wonder what’s in it this…

February LuxeBox

February LuxeBox

Sorry for the picture quality, I definitely need a new camera…. Super exciting. Last week was amazing. I got so many packages, it was ridiculous. But awesome. One of those packages was my Luxebox! I will say, that I was…

December LuxeBox

December LuxeBox

So many good things arrived in the mail yesterday! One of which was my December LuxeBox!! I love receiving packages in the mail, and this is no exception. I love receiving this in the mail. 1. Nina Ricci – L’Elixir…

LuxeBox Update

LuxeBox Update

So, I’ve had a chance to try almost all the products from the November LuxeBox. I must say, that I’m loving this. I’ve only had one, and already I’m loving the fact that I can use them or not. Let’s get…

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