School :: Hell Week

It seems like for the past 2 months I’ve been bemoaning the fact that school is ruining my life, or that I’m ruining my school life. Either way, I’ve begun hell week. But I am one exam down, which was a little nervewracking but I got through it. And also made a networking friend. Go figure, eh. Even smaller world, she works with one of the ladies that I used to ride horses with. 6 degrees….

Anyways, the exam made me sweat a little bit, because honestly I didn’t understand a thing about the graphs, and yup those graphs were on there. But I was able to pick the ones that didn’t have them, and the ones that I did choose, well hopefully I make up in my written answers.*fingers crossed*

Now, a slight break, but tonight it’s cramming for my presentation tomorrow. And then the big one that I’m really kind of stressing about, because it’s all writing and all essays. My arm is going to be killing me after that one. Thankfully I have 3 hours for that one. Hopefully I don’t need it.

Wish me luck. I think I’ll really need it, and that I’ll pass them all, with somewhat flying colours.
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