Review :: Radical Self Love

When I first heard that Gala was making a book, I knew that I would be adding it to my bookshelf. As I’ve always been a huge supporter of Self Love (loving yourself before you can love someone else), it was only natural.


And I’m so, so glad that I ordered it. It’s fantastic! She’s so inspiring (I’ve been following her blog for some time now), and she’s definitely one of the ladies that I see as a mentor, and an absolute girlboss. I love how she’s so business-savvy (she’s a co-founder of The Blogcademy) and she’s also so spiritual. Her blog posts about the moon cycles, and retrogrades are always so interesting. I’ve always had a dabbling interest in astrology, but fell out of it a little once I got out of school.

But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty!


The book is broken into 3 sections, with 8 chapters.

Loving Yourself

Broken into 2 chapters, Learning to Love Yourself, and Finding Happiness, Gala delves a bit into her past of battling with depression and an eating disorder and how she over came it.

She brings up an interesting tactic of “tapping”, which I am definitely going to learn more about, and attempt it. Another thing that I need to start doing is using affirmations. Telling yourself in the morning (and whenever you feel down) that you love yourself, or something else that is good in your life is just an easy way to make you happier.

Some of the homework at the end of these chapters:

  • Try Tapping
  • Incorporate new positive attributes into the mix
  • Start using affirmations
  • Come up with new ways to make your daily routine more magical
Loving Others

Also 2 chapters: Love, Sex, the Galaxy, and Everything, and Best Friends Forever; these guys talk about relationships. These were good chapters for me.

I’m always looking for better ways to improve my relationships, and I’ve struggled with friend relationships in the past. I know that I don’t put much effort into them, and that is something that I consciously need to work on. I need to be better at being in the present sometimes, not so much in the future, or worrying about what other relationships are doing!

Some of the homework at the end of these chapters:

  • Make a list of attributes that you are looking for
  • Drop your reliance on sarcasm and play-fighting
  • Start to “ping” your friends regularly
  • Make an effort to spend more time with the women you know
  • Brainstorm fun ideas to do with your friends
Daily Magic

The only one with 3 chapters: Manifesting and magic-making, Style is how you live your life, and a Guide to manners for the modern minx. Encompassing how each of these things make you happy, which increases your self love.

Manifesting is something that I need to get better at as well. It’s great to know that you want to change something about your life, but sometimes I get swamped in the “how-to”.

Being given tips on how to make it more manageable with lists, vision boards, and the like is extremely exciting for me! I’ve already gotten a headstart on the style section, since I was ruthless with clearing out my closet a couple months ago!

Some of the homework at the end of the chapter:

  • Write down what you really want
  • Create a vision board
  • Discover your style icons
  • Put down your phone

I think that this book is still available, only on Amazon (until tomorrow so HURRY!), but I do know that it was only being sold for a limited time. So try and grab it quick! It’s definitely worth it, and it’s so pretty! All in pink. Follow her along on her blog if you don’t get a chance to buy it. All of the resources are there, and even more in-depth for the Radical Self Love. I can’t wait to get started on my journey of #rslove!

Will you be adding some self love to your life?

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