Relationships :: Rules to Crushing

Welcome to June. Last week, it was freezing. This week, so humid. Guess summer has decided to arrive.
Thank goodness! The time for summer romances, wearing sexy summer dresses and sandals has arrived. Honestly, this is the best time of the year. Everything is just so much more sexier.

I can’t help but be a little bit of a romantic right now, both Mal and I are going insane. Well, not insane. We’re both just crushing hard core on cute boys. Cute boys who seem too good to be true. For once in our lives, are things actually working out for us? It’s just insane because we’ve never been at the same place at the same time. Literally. We’re at opposite ends of the country. Creepishly enough, the guys have the exact same initials. And last name. Way too creepy. We’re both worried though. Each in our own way. We made rules. For each other, to help us out. Keep us on track.

My Rules:
2. No thinking too far ahead. If I find myself doing that, think about the present.
3. No sex for 2-3 weeks. And timing has to be right.
Not over analyzing is going to be tough. Gotta take it day by day. I’m such a planner though, that will be even harder to do! Especially since I like him. A lot. This totally snuck up on me. Unplanned, and a surprise.
Got to keep this saying in mind. I can’t lose myself. I won’t lose myself. But I feel myself falling. So hard. This is going to be tough.
He just makes it so easy.  
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