Relationship :: Month 3 Living Together

I wasn’t sure what to classify this post under. It actually fits under all of my headings : Life, Relationship, Apartment… But I went with relationship. Because I think it’s going to be more about that anyways.

It’s awesome because Andrew’s work is slowing down just enough to have him home at a decent time (aka roughly around the same time I’m coming home, or even earlier). This means that we lovingly can have dinner together, lounge a little on the couch to watch a bit of tv before hitting the hay. We’re actually able to fall into a routine and it feels so nice.

I’m the first to admit that I’m definitely not domestic. Not even close. I try, and I try but it’s just something that I have to work at every day, and most days I procrastinate this stuff. But since I’m not domestic, it’s what drives Andrew up the wall. So I make the effort. And yes, it is worth it.

One of the newer things that we’ve started to incorporate into our daily lives is a meal plan. We plan out what we’re going to eat before we go grocery shopping (while reading the flyer, planning our meals around what’s on sale) and then we go shopping. Although, I let Andrew go shopping alone and he managed to spend $200.00 in one go. A lot of food, and we’re eating it, but still. Ouch to the wallet. We try and cook everything fresh that night, but it’s tough with our schedules. Most of the time, it’ll be me doing the cooking, but Thursday nights Andrew takes over. I’m not home until at least 9.30pm, 10.30 if class runs until 10. He’ll make dinners and it’ll be something that’s easily re-heated for when I come home. I’m pretty sure this will be a regular pasta night.

We’ve kind of worked out a bit of a balance. I’ll help Andrew out with things he doesn’t like to do (aka invoicing) and he’ll do things that I don’t like to do (aka dishes). Win-win. And I’ll attempt to keep the place cleaner so it won’t drive him quite so crazy. But it’s working out for us. This will hopefully be the rest of my life, living and compromising with him.

But that’s what makes life so interesting, yes?
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