Recap :: Weekend No. 43

So this weekend was not the relaxing weekend I had in mind at all… it was pretty much go-go-go both days, mixed with a lot of shopping. A lot of shopping. This weekend I spent quite a bit of money… cough. For the most part it was all things that I needed, but probably didn’t have to spend this week.

Friday, I was lovely and lazy. I watched my bridal shows, I scrapbooked, and I waited impatiently for Andrew to come over. And I also baked.. just because. It was great to look over pictures that I’d forgotten about. But I’m about a year behind in updating my scrapbook. Yes, terrible, I know. I now need to hit up the dollar store for picture frames and bristol board! 😀 I have some framing to do for my walls! Maybe that’s something to do this coming weekend, while I’m dogsitting.

Saturday I was up at a good hour, and downtown by 10am. Lucky me, managed to squeeze an appointment in for my brows and then hit up some shopping at the Anthropologie downtown. I’m in love with that store. I always end up spending something there! I was almost on my way home when I realized that I needed to get somethings for my costume, so then I went to another mall, and spent some more money there. I rushed home, and got some homework done and uploaded, so no worries there. Rushed around getting the cat ready and in the car to head to Mom’s, and then ate dinner with the fam-jam. Got all dolled up for nothing, as it turned out that we didn’t go out at all, instead watched Breaking Bad and Mad Men on Netflix and Andrew’s fancy-schmancy new tv. Yay for sexy nights on the couch… Not really.

Sunday, another early morning. Got up and headed downtown, again. Spent more money at the National Women’s Show, but had a great time hanging out with Valentina!

It was a great weekend, and I even got to see Mikey again 🙂 Which is always fun. Now to decide what to do for Halloween next weekend…  Happy Monday!
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