
Recap :: Weekend No. 40

My life trying to do homework…

 Oy. This weekend was super unexciting, as I was holed up in my apartment on my computer. Super fun, super exciting. I was drinking an extraordinary amount of tea, making a cup pretty much every hour. Caffiene overload much?

But I did it. It took me all weekend, through procrastination and writer’s block, but I got the major assignments finished. Go me. I still have more to do [always] and I was pretty bad at the procrastination…

Irony is not lost on me… Saturday, the only thing that got me doing homework and off the Internet was the fact that it crashed on me. And so I did my work, and once I was finished, it miraculously started working again. A sign from above eh?

So I got all that stuff done, and I got the living area of my place cleaned. Next to tackle is the bedroom… Who knows when I’ll have the time to get to that. But I need to do it before Andrew arrives: T-minus 4 days! I’ve been slacking on the gym too, just haven’t had the time! School is coming down to the crunch time. I have a test tonight that I totally haven’t studied for. I’ll have to read the text book tonight instead of going to the gym… *cries* I miss the gym!

School shall be the death of me… or procrastination will.
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