Oh weekends, why must you go by so fast? This weekend was a huge giant mash of family, friends, meeting new people, working out, getting ahead in school work, and cleaning my apartment. Almost doesn’t seem like there’s enough time to get any of that done in a weekend.
Friday night, I had absolutely no plans on going out. Friday might be a party night for some people, I for one cannot wait to get home. I keep going back and forth as to whether I want to tough it out and go to hot yoga, or just go home. I know I should go to yoga, but lately it’s just been killing me. I ended up going to yoga, and then heading home. Yoga was amazing, and I’m super glad that I pushed myself to go. I managed to do things that I’ve never been able to do before! Ate a quick dinner, and then started doing some cleaning! I had laundry to put away, and shoes to put away… Also did the dishes. Called Rogers to get my internet upgraded, because I keep hitting and going over my usage cap, which pisses me off. 15gb is nothing, especially now that I’m on it more for school.

Saturday, I got up at a decent time and got cracking on homework. Actually sat down and applied myself, for a good couple hours before I had to get ready and pick up Adele. We headed to Vaughan Mills, and we did just a little bit of shopping. Only a little. Some little things to even out the work wardrobe, and I got some good yoga stuff. Then she had tickets for this random BoxWars show and roller derby finals, so we hit up that. That was interesting, and surprisingly a lot cooler than I’m making it sound. It was definitely fun and interesting. The roller derby was fun, not as exciting as Whip It makes it seem. I bumped into Bridget, and met her new man. So that was good. We watched that, the box wars where nerdy guys were super excited about dressing up in cardboard. Some of the costumes were really well designed. Some, not so much. It was a lot of fun, and I could totally see Andrew, his friends, and Coby totally doing this. There was so much cardboard everywhere afterwards. Then we went out for Chinese food downtown, and a drink and some dancing at Velvet. That night was my night for meeting old friends. The guys from my old group of friends showed up and we were able to do some catching up and some dancing. Adele and I didn’t stay long after that, and went home. I was in bed by 2.30?

Sunday, I planned on rolling myself out of bed and hit up the gym. That totally didn’t happen. I didn’t expect to stay up as late as I did, and slept in til noon. I had a meeting with another girl, and that went well. We had a bunch in common and we both clicked. We’re going to make plans to meet up again. I couldn’t stay out that long because I had a dinner to get too! Sadly, Andrew isn’t around this time, because he has yet to meet the Chinese side. It’s my grandmother’s birthday, and I believe she’s turning 95 this year. Go her! Lots of delicious food, and some new people around the table. Vincent brought a friend, and so did my aunt. Lots of family showed up, we had two tables! It was a lot of fun, sadly I did get carsick before we left… That’s what happens when I sit in the back and have my dad drive… But the food was delicious, and my stomach calmed down once I was sitting in the front seat drinking peppermint tea.
It’s getting closer and closer to the countdown of Andrew coming home!! I can’t wait. This trip away has been really tough on both of us, and I truly hope that he’s home for a good while after this. *fingers crossed*
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