Recap :: Weekend No. 35

What a great weekend to end summer.
 Ahh it’s September. Hard to freaking believe. It is raining, and I’m back at work after such a gorgeous weekend at the cottage. The last long weekend of the summer, and it’s bittersweet because everything starts getting packed up for the winter. The docks are put away, and the boats go in.
This weekend I took an extra long weekend, taking Friday off. I headed up on Thursday night with Andrew’s parents, and we arrived around 8. We made some dinner and then pretty much went to bed. This was the first weekend that Andrew and I were allowed to sleep in the same bed together while his parents were up, so that was interesting. Just one of those things.
It was a blue moon this weekend! So pretty.
Friday morning we had slept in and it was amazing. I felt so rested, especially since I only got 4 hours sleep the night before. We got up, ate some breakfast, and then Andrew and his dad got to work on the well. They were digging it deeper and so Andrew was in the well, digging away in a tight space. I helped with the buckets, dumping sand, lowering empty ones down for him. Thomas and John arrived, helped out until there was an issue the forced them to stop. That meant that there was no running water in the cottage, which really sucked because I was really gross and needed to shower. So around 9, Andrew and I headed out into the lake and “showered”. And it felt amazing! Blowdried my hair, and then we headed over to Wes’ cottage for some drinks and just to hang out. Andrew’s parents had just put on the movie ‘Jane Eyre’ so I was a little sad to not be able to watch it. But it was fun hanging out with all the guys, and Ashley and her boyfriend came over for a bit. We looked up things about kangaroos because they didn’t believe me when I told them how they were born. Random yes. Andrew got quite drunk, he was drinking really strong drinks, and then we boated home.
Saturday, after another great sleep in, they finished with the well, giving the cottage running water again, and then we just chilled. We went swimming, I had a nap, and we watched a movie [The Blind Side, so good]. Halfway through the movie, a couple from down the lake came over and had a couple of drinks and played cards with Andrew’s parents. They were really nice, and I enjoyed talking to them. Although there was a slightly awkward moment when Heather was discussing how her son has just recently acquired a girlfriend, who was nothing like the image she had in her head. I was like, wow this is exactly the situation I’m in. She expected him to end up with a blonde haired, blue eyed girl, much like her son [and Andrew], and instead he’s dating an exotic Spanish looking girl, who’s mized white/East Indian [say what? I’m mixed white/Asian… and exotic looking…]. She was just like you know how it is? You know? and Andrew’s mom is like SIGH I know. Me: I’m right here, people. *facepalm* I was just like.. ahhh this is way too surreal right now! We then left to go over to Ashley’s, so I don’t know what else was discussed about that situation..
It was a good time at Ashley’s. I’ve never really had the chance to talk much with her, as there’s usually a huge group and she sometimes goes to bed early. So that was nice. She had a fire going, and the guys were their usual selves being idiots and cracking jokes. Always a fun time. Andrew and I headed back first, we didn’t want to have a super late night, and the guys ended up coming back around 2. The moon was so bright this entire weekend, it lit up the whole lake. So pretty.

Sunday was spent even more relaxed, the guys did some water skiing, and they tried to pressure me into it. I stood my ground, I wasn’t comfortable trying it. Maybe next year… But not this weekend. We ate lots of food, we spent lots of time on the dock, and did a little bit of clean up. Andrew’s parents left for home, and we hung out at Andrew’s. The guys had met 2 girls on the lake, and they came over and partied. The guys ended up drinking and they all played Euchre, which they invited me to learn and I quickly turned them down. The amount of times they have attempted to teach me while drunk is too many and it just makes me frustrated and upset. I was already being very anti-social. I hung out for a bit, but I was just not interesting in making small talk, while everyone was drinking. I headed down to the fire, and hung out by myself. I ran up and grabbed my journal and did some writing about everything. I was a little melancholy that entire day, but Andrew came down and drank and just sat with me. It was nice of him, he didn’t have to. We ended up going to bed early again, and I joked and said it felt like we were parents going to bed and leaving the kids up to chill. They stayed up ridiculously late though. I’m glad that we didn’t.

Cute little hummingbird!
Monday’s always a little sad. Our last day there, we had a slow day. We cleaned, we made sure everything was put away, the boys took apart the dock, and the two girls came back over and hung out for the afternoon. Andrew and I put away the trailer, went for one last swim, then we packed up and headed home. Made it home not super late, but still late enough that I immediately passed out. Slept like a baby, and totally didn’t want to come to work this morning.
Back to the grind though, everyone’s back at work, or back at school. For me, it’s both. School starts next week! Hope everyone had a great long weekend, and isn’t too tired at work!
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