
Recap :: Weekend No. 3

Happy Monday everyone!

My weekends seem to already be increasingly boring. I watch a ridiculous amount of movies, stay up way to late, and get almost nothing done that I want to get done.

Sure, I make sure the kitchen is clean, and I usually get around to cleaning one area of my apartment. But it’s never the whole enchilada. And I’ve been terrible at getting around to cooking meals. It’s just getting to be a little depressing. One of the best moments this weekend was Kumo sleeping with me, actually under the covers. It was adorable. And rather toasty.
That being said, I did actually go out on Saturday night, after the fail of the night before. And I guess I did go out on Friday night, but that wasn’t as late a night as it should have been. Andrew and I grabbed dinner with Mikey, and then I picked up a bunch of people to head to Failtes. It was Fusco’s birthday, but as well pulled into the parking lot, and I went to grab my wallet, of course it wasn’t there. Awesome. I had no I.D. on me at all. So back home we went. Epic fail. I was disappointed, but not really. I was tired, and didn’t really want to go to a bar to listen to loud music and not drink.
Saturday I went to grab a coffee with Paul, who I haven’t seen in almost a year!??! Where the hell did the time go? Although, it’s not actually me who’s been putting off seeing him. He’s always busy. It was good to see him again, and catch up. It was a much nicer way to spend a Saturday night instead of watching hockey. Blah. I’m clearly not a true Canadian, as hockey has no interest to me. A Saturday night spent well for me!

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