Recap :: Weekend No. 12

The infamous candles.

Oy. I was a busy bee this weekend, between nights out, brunches in, and homework. As well as fitting time in to clean my apartment. Cleaning is literally a full time job. Sigh, but such is life.

Friday, after yoga [which was amazing], I hit the grocery store and then home to hit the showers. Whipped up some crust dough for in the morning, and then did the most major of the cleaning: dishes.Then I dragged myself out to the bar to meet up with Andrew and his buddies for a birthday celebration!  I’m all for it, but we weren’t meeting up until almost midnight. I was ready for bed. But I’m a trooper and sucked it up. Even though I was going to be up fairly early the next morning. We actually headed to a pool lounge, so that was fun, played some pool with Andrew and chatted with his friends. It was a lot of fun, and we stayed out wayyy later than I expected.

Saturday I was up around 9, and immediately jumped on to the baking bus. I let the dough warm up a bit, and then put my face on. Yay for good use of time! Finished up the fruit, rolled out my dough, and put it together. Only to realize, shit. I can’t transfer this to a baking tray. Crap, crap, crap. Fighting with it while the clock is ticking down not fun. Finally get it on the tray, not before losing a few berries in the fight. Pop it in the oven and finish getting ready. Phew. Shockingly, I arrived on time, and was the first one there. Yay! Then the rest of the day was wasted watching… I don’t even know. All I know is that I didn’t get any homework done. And it was Earth Hour! In which my cat set himself on fire, [he’s not harmed, just a little singed] because he brushed up against the candle I had going. That’s my cat, always keeping it exciting! He didn’t even notice that he was on fire…

Him with his sing marks. 

Sunday I made myself get homework done. I did have things due, so that was a good motivator. I feel like it was really a half-ass job that  I did, but I’ll smooth out any edges tonight. Then it’ll be done. I’m so ready for even just a short break. Then I watched the entire season one of Downton Abbey and stayed up to late watching some of the second. I’m totally addicted, and I have to really make the effort to not watch it tonight. Or the rest of the week. UGH school you suck.

Happy Monday!

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