Planned Trips for 2012

Via Pinterest.

Trip #1: Calgary Stampede (July 5-8). I. Can. Not. Wait.  This trip will be epic. This year is the 100th anniversary of the Stampede, I’ll be going pretty much on mine and Andrew’s first year anniversary… Need I say more? It’ll be a rocking good time. I believe that Thomas is coming, Coby might be coming, Adam might be coming? Mal was supposed to be coming, but circumstances reared it’s ugly head and we’ll have to make do with just seeing each other once this year.

Trip #2: Roadtrip to the East Coast (August ??). This trip will be just Andrew and I. He’s been there already, and since we’ve talked about moving out there, but only until I’ve seen and visited. I’m so excited. I’m already prepping for long nights, and long days. I enjoy driving with him, even if sometimes most times he drives me crazy while I’m driving. Shall be an interesting couple days of driving with me at the wheel. Hopefully I’m able to keep up with him… He’s much more accomplished at staying up and functioning with little to no sleep. I’m pumped to finally travel with him.

Trip #3: Vegas!! (September Long Weekend). So, so pumped for this one. I keep thinking about it and it just pumps me up. This is gonna be a total girl weekend with the bestie, Mal. Gonna do some major shopping, a spa day, and be total tourists and visit all the hotels. I *might* cave and come home with a pair of Christian Louboutins… *cough*. [Pretty sure that a pair will come home with me… I have no self control]. Sadly though, the ones that I’m always attracted too are the ones way over $1000.00. Yes, it is a little crazy to pay that for a pair of shoes, and yes, I realize that I am crazy. But, who cares, I’m in Vegas!? I have so many stores that I wanna hit up, and I’m gonna go with a fairly empty suitcase. Dresses and skirts are small! I’ve decided that I’m only going to wear dresses and skirts while there, because Vegas is hot during that weekend (or so I’ve heard) and besides… then I can get a sexy tan!

Trip #4: Winter down South. Yup. I’ve been talking about it for years, and have yet to achieve this goal. So this year will be the year I do it. Andrew and I have been thinking that we should go down south for a week all-inclusive and just veg out on the beach. Cuba? Dominican? Somewhere, anywhere warm. Especially if the next winter we have goes back to how they used to be (aka, with snow…).

There’s also been talk of going to Chicago for weekend, Congress AQHA (a horse expo), and other random things. I can’t wait for all these trips. Hopefully I can afford them all! I definitely will be able to afford the above trips, just undecided on the other random weekend things. What with moving out, paying off my car, and paying for school; money is looking decidedly tight. Gonna have to be super frugal in life so that I can be extravagent with my travels.

So, so excited! Is anyone planning going somewhere special this year?
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