Love is in the air! Everything is coming up roses! It’s the month of l’amour!
And you, my dear, are single. But don’t despair! You might be newly single, or single for awhile, or single by choice. Either way, you probably have mixed feelings on the day of Love that is approaching quickly. Are you in the love it or hate it camp?
If you’re in the love it camp, well than this post you can do without. But if you’re in the hate it camp, read on!
I am and always will be an avid supporter of self love. And on the day filled with the most love everywhere (you cannot get away from it), you should definitely show yourself some love.
Things to do if you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day solo:
Grab your girlfriends and have a date night in. Watch rom-coms (or horror…depending on your mood) and chat the night away. It’ll be morning on the 15th before you know it, and you’ll have spent it with ladies you love.
Buy yourself flowers. This has always been portrayed as self-pitying in movies, but flowers make you smile! Go out and grab a huge bouquet to bring home to brighten up your kitchen or bedroom.
Have a spa night. Nothing is better than taking some time for yourself and doing more than the bare necesities in the shower. Fill a bath, throw a bomb in it, and soak. Have a glass of wine (or your choice of poison), and a good book. Put a mask on your hair, your face.. and just chill.
Or, if anything, pretend that it’s not Valentine’s Day, and just binge-watch Netflix before going to bed early. Beauty rest is key!