Life :: Valentine’s Day

I can’t believe that Valentine’s day is already here. Is it just me, or has it snuck up on everyone? Every year, I feel something different for this “holiday”. When I was single, I was down on it, when I’m in a relationship I’m all “isn’t life wonderful?”. Although, I am a firm believer that love should be shown every day, making it extra special one night out of the year for sure, won’t harm anyone.

This time last year, Andrew and I were skating on the Rideau for Valentine’s, this year we really have nothing planned. I have a couple things planned, although I have class on that night so it probably won’t happen on Valentines. I definitely know that our V-day breakfast will be Saturday morning. Cinnamon buns! I want to make chocolat chaud; real, authentic hot chocolate like the stuff you’d get in France. Might be the morning I do it. How decadent would that be for a Valentine’s present from me? A sweet present that I would love from him would be … not surprisingly, Les Miserables [the book].

I’m so excited to have this planned. This does require some grocery shopping though. But not to much. Should be able to get it all under $10. Exciting! What does every one else have planned? Are you in a relationship? Single?

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