Life :: Slut Shaming

This isn’t anything new. With this whole new rage/boost to feminism, and what it all means to me [and everyone else], this term has been popping up.

Slut Shaming.

And I, for the most part, can here yourselves thinking “I’ve never done that before”. I know that I certainly said that right away. Me, slut shame? Never. But when I actually started thinking hard about it, it turns out, yup. I have done it. I’ve probably been called one. 
This post is actually being spurred by another post that I read, on‘s blog, about the Unslut Project [a Tumblr based blog], and it’s journal entries of when she was in 6th grade. I’m reading this, because they’re fascinating, and I’m thinking back to my journal entries [I started journaling when I was in 7th grade], and I honestly don’t remember ever being a bitch to another girl and slut shaming her. 
But last night, I reread the first couple entries, and yup there it is. In my awful handwriting. Quite a bit of swearing, actually. And here I thought I was so innocent. Calling girls bitches, calling one girl a slut… It’s all in there. I was a cause of slut shaming when I was 12. I actually went and created a nickname [actually… I won’t lie, I’ve created a few in my school life-time] and somehow they’ve always stuck. This one I created for this girl stuck with her even after she changed schools. I honestly don’t remember being such a bitch, mentally I’ve always had this good girl image. I’ve never been one to skip class, and our school wasn’t really cliquey in the Mean Girl sense. I was typically friends with everyone, other than the people that terrified me [and there were a few]. 
I’m really looking forward to re-reading through some of my journals [I just finished my 13th one] and I’m really making the effort to get back into writing and keeping up with it. It’s interesting because even though I’m pretty candid on this here blog, my journals are definitely more private, and things that I don’t even let Andrew read about. 
Do you journal, even though you blog? What are your thoughts on this subject? 
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