Life :: Shopaholic Ramblings

Via Tumblr.

Sigh, the worst thing about starting shopping, is the fact that it’s so much harder to stop. It’s like any addiction in that way, I guess. Friggin’ awful though.

Sadly I know that I’m addicted, luckily I’ve never had to worry about debt because I never spend more than I have, but on the flip side it’s not like I have any bills to pay that are pressing. I really do try to cut back on my spending, only to spend it in worse way: Food. I hate spending money on take out food, worst thing ever. It’s awful because you’re just like 3 bucks here, 3 bucks there, until you tally it up and it comes to over 30 bucks at the end of the month. Money just gone.

I’m currently re-reading Confessions of a Shopaholic, and as much as I dislike how Sophie Kinsella makes all her heroines slightly idiotic to get themselves in situations that they do, it’s a good book. Funny and definitely realistic. I will never let myself get that bad, thank God (Andrew sends up prayers all the time about that as well), but I definitely know that I could totally end up like that. It’s not out of the realm of possiblity. Because I love the rush of a sale, carrying the designer bags, having the labels (self proclaimed label whore, right here). And I could totally spend all my money on nothing.

As I complain about this and spending all my money on take-out food, I’m heading out for dinner tonight. Girl’s gotta eat before her math class.

2 thoughts on “Life :: Shopaholic Ramblings

  1. Shopping is the most all-consuming addiction ever *small sigh* and most expensive (on the other hand, it also saves money on high-priced therapy) 🙂

    Lovely blog – keep up the good work!

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