Life :: School Update

Wowza. Here I was thinking that this semester is going to be a breeze because I’m doing 2 online courses. I think I might have been mistaken.

Since last night was my first class of my in-class course, Marketing 2,  it’s going to be heavy. Not that I mind, but compared to last semester’s Marketing 1, it’s not going to be the breeze that I envisioned. This class means actual work. And I have to keep on top of it because we’re to be critiqued pretty strongly by our fellow group and classmates. And what they say actually has meaning towards the end of term mark. I’m hoping that most of the classes only really go until 9.30ish. Which would be nice, especially since it’s about a 45 minute drive. Of course, last night it has to be the first night it snows in… ages. Even though it’s already starting to melt, it made driving not so pleasant.
Regardless of all that, I bought my book for Myths and Legends and it’s a text that I might actually be looking forward to reading. After purchasing that, I spent that next 20 minutes circling around trying to find my damn classroom. Of course I would be in the class that is down a skinny hallway that doesn’t look like it would have classes in it. Epic fail. On that note though, I met a really nice girl, and we’re chatting away like we didn’t just meet for the first time. We’ve grouped up with people that she’s had classes with before and one girl that sat at my table with me. Should be interesting.. the one girl at my table actually fell asleep… I don’t think our prof was too impressed.
I’m so far happy with the people that I’ve decided to group up with. Although the work load is going to be heavy: seminars, overview reports, essays, final exams, it’s going to be worth it. I’m a little nervous as I haven’t written an essay since high school!!
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