Life :: Random Awesome Stuff

That time I was doing homework in the mall…

Well, I did get most of my assignment done last night, just need to do the printing and final touches putting it together. I really hope that I do well on it… otherwise that will suck. I’m kinda glad that only half of it is due tomorrow night, and I still have a bit of time to make it amazing.

In other news though, Andrew’s parents are going on vacation next week, and he came to me and asked if during that week I wanted to help him start getting his things packed up. As in, packed up so he can start moving in with me. How exciting is that!

I’ve been wanting him to move in with me since the new year, and the month’s have just been ticking by. It doesn’t even seem like real life the way time flies, but it is. And hopefully he’ll have moved in sooner rather than later! Although, if the something exciting happens we might be moving in together, and moving out of the apartment! But I don’t want to jinx anything just yet, so it’s all hush-hush until we have something concrete.

Although, he was adorable and made me a pallet planter. It was too dark to take pictures by the time he brought it over, but I’m so excited to fill it with flowers and herbs this spring/summer! Any thoughts on what I should put in it? I think daffodils are a must, and crocuses. This is so exciting!! I’ll post pictures this weekend of it. Step one of me using my balcony this year, coming together.

Hurry up, Spring! I’m ready for ya!
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