Hard to believe that it’s already May, isn’t it?

East Coast trip, 2012 at Miramichi, NB.
East Coast trip, 2012 at Miramichi, NB.

I’m so excited to be back, and I’m rearing to go. Over the past couple weeks I’ve finished school [finally], I’m trying to get back to a “zen” lifestyle, eat better, and figure out what I’m doing with this little space here.

All about the balance right now.

Now that school is finally over, I should be able to manage that a little bit better. No stressing about last minute projects or deadlines. No more poor time management because I want to do something for the blog instead of an assignment. And even better, if I want to read a book or watch a movie, I can freely do it without worrying.

Alright – on to the exciting things that are happening around here! I switched over to WordPress a couple weeks ago, and I’m just getting used to it. This time it’s self-hosted, so just another step on the blog trail. I’m also getting a little bit of a make-over! This has been in the works for a couple months now, mainly because I’ve been taking my time with it. Please bear with me while I figure it all out and decide on design!

I’ve decided that I wanted to bring it back to ‘me’ again. While I wasn’t stretching my content to thing, I was losing sight of the reason I started blogging in the first place, and I was worried that I was “selling out”. I’m not necessarily cutting back on content, I’m actually going to be writing about more, but I’m categorizing it differently. I’m making it easier to navigate, and easier for me to describe what it is that I write about. This also is making me much more excited to write and create content for you all!

My blog schedule is staying pretty much the same; Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays will have new content. I’m going to bring back my monthly newsletter as well, and actually commit to it. I’ve figured out my intentions and my goals. I’ve decided the direction that I want to go, and where I want to bring it back. I have a notebook finally dedicated to my blog.

I think I’m ready. And it’s good to be back!signature

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