Life :: How Do You Get and Stay Motivated?

Motivation. Sometimes this is a dirty word in my vocabulary.

Via Pinterest

It’s not something that I like to admit to. I like to pretend that I’m a well rounded adult, on top of everything in my life, and yes, blogging does make that easier to “pretend” to be.

I lack motivation for my life. Drive. It is my biggest flaw. 
It’s sadly, something that I’ve done for my whole life. While I’ve always considered it procrastination [homework, working out, anything that required discipline…] something would always push it out of the way. And it’s not even something that’s important. Watching tv, watching movies, reading a book… Anything that wasn’t the task immediately at hand. 
That’s not to say that I don’t know how to make this flaw work for me. It’s handy in the fact that I can literally drop anything cold turkey and for the most part never touch it again. That works with food, tv, books, etc. I’ve always thought that I had an addictive personality, but in writing this I realize that is far from the truth. I’m addicted for a couple weeks, and then the shine will rub off and I’ll be done with it. Or I’ll get distracted by something else and never finish it. 
I’m constantly starting [or hoping to start] new goals, and just never get to that kick start. Am I the only one here? Bueller? Bueller? They say the first step is acknowledging the issue. Well, I’m acknowledging. And I want to know, what do YOU do to get and keep yourself motivated
I’ve used tools like The College Prep’s list format, spelling out every second of the day, but while that worked for a bit, it definitely didn’t stick. There was no consequence! I’m always so motivated right before I go to bed, “I’m going to do this in the morning” but morning comes and then it’s always “tomorrow”.

I feel like this post has come across to make me look bad. Let me just state that if something needs to get done, I will do it. I don’t act like this at my job, it’s mainly with the motivation to keep working out, or to clean my house. Things that I don’t like to do. [Ughh dishes].

Got any tips and tricks that work for you? Or should I just deal with the fact that I enjoy being lazy? [Sounds so terrible…]

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