Life :: Horoscope

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to get a Saturday horoscope post up, but here it is. Things were a little less hectic, life is definitely calming down. It helps that Andrew and I didn’t go up to the cottage, so the weekend plans and availability worked out. I’ll be able to get some things done around the house, and finally stop living out of boxes? I’m finally not living out of laundry baskets. Oops.

Putting your feelings in writing is a great way to discover what your feelings are. You think with words these days, and the more articulate you are, the better. Plus, being clear is an effective antidote to the flightiness that seems to surround you, at least until the middle of the week. On Wednesday and Thursday, someone is being downright clingy: Focusing on them might exhaust you, but it will solve their anxiety. Friday is not an easy day — things may appear as they are not, which isn’t helpful — and this weekend your friends are more demanding than ever. They love you, that’s all. —

Last night I had a dinner reunion with my old barn gang, which was a lot of fun. I haven’t seen any of them in awhile, and it’s always good to reconnect. The group does seem to be dwindling, but that’s alright. Some of the more important people are there. Haha, not that that means they aren’t all important. It was nice that I didn’t have to immediately rush off to head to the cottage/Andrew’s house. It’s always cool to see where people’s lives have taken them. Although, much doesn’t change once we get to a certain age.

Speaking of changes to life, [since this week seems to be all about that], looking at my horoscope is almost laughable. I don’t have friends, so I can’t have friends that are being demanding. But I do have a couple friends that are back in town and I’ve yet to see them. Maybe now that I’m free(er) this weekend I’ll be able to round them up. But on the other hand, I’ve been looking into finding some new girlfriends. It’s a little weird because I’m going through Craigslist, but I guess that’s one of the easiest places. And there are a lot of women my age looking for friends there! Who knew right? Hopefully everything turns out well! I’m missing female companionship. I’m really hoping that something comes out of this…

Anyways, tonight is wings and swimming with Andrew and the family. Hope your weekend is going great!
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