Life :: Horoscope

I’m going to try something new. Saturdays I’m going to post my weekly overview horoscope, and see whether anything was remotely close to happening. 🙂 I’m a Capricorn, who’s dating a Leo, but we’re both Dragons by the Chinese.

Money — and the ways in which you do or don’t deal with it — is a fact of life. But it doesn’t have to rule your life. Being realistic about your budget helps you see that and, in fact, gives you more freedom once you know where your financial boundaries are, especially at the week’s start. By Wednesday and Thursday, you have some pretty unorthodox realizations about cash, cash flow and ways to make it work for your needs. The weekend is a great time to let yourself dream. Follow your intuition and listen to your heart. —

Always about the money for me. It’s really been weighing on my mind, especially since I seem to be just blowing through my money. *cough cough* Shopping in Buffalo… Ah well. I’ll be better now. It was all things that I should have had a while ago anyways. Sigh. Hopefully next week’s scope is better 🙂

Is anyone else into astrology/horoscopes?
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