Life :: Final Countdown

Because this makes me happy, and how I feel about school right now. 

I’m beyond stressing right now. Can you tell? Probably not, because I make idiotic choices like going out for wings with Andrew and his friends, that lasts until 11pm at night. Ugh. When I should be studying for my test tomorrow night. Fingers crossed that I do well!!!

I’m studying tonight, lunchtimes, and tomorrow before the exam. Surprisingly I’ve been doing really well, and I don’t think that we’re going to bomb the presentation next week, so I think I’ll be alright. Although school is definitely getting harder and harder right now, plus more expensive. 4 courses this summer might just kill me. Just a little, because 3 are online, which means 3 exams. Ugh. It’s all worth it in the end, I know. But still. Kills me just a little bit!

2 more weeks, 3 tests and 1 presentation left of this semester. Why do I like to torture myself so? I can’t wait until tonight’s test is OVER. Then I can start stressing about other ones. And actually studying for them this weekend. That’ll be good since I have NOTHING to do but study. Woot. And here’s to me actually sitting down and doing that.

Highlight of the weekend though? This test being over. 1 down, 2 more to go.

One thought on “Life :: Final Countdown

  1. Nights off are necessary for good working! That’s what I told myself at least, and I did pretty well in the end…! Good luck for it all lovely- I’m sure it’ll all be fine in the end!! x

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