Hanging off the walls… Looks destressing… Maybe I should try it? |
Ahhhh life stressors! Literally. Everything seems to be sliding quickly towards to edge of doom. You might think that I’m being melodramatic, but I’m definitely feeling the pressure right now.
I feel like I’m constantly ragging on about school life, and how much it sucks, but it’s really boiling down to my crappy-crap job at time management. *Facepalm guys! Honestly, I’m running out of time for my work. I remembered about a quiz last minute [although I did really well in it] and I forgot about a discussion the day before it was due [also, finished it off]. Phew. I’ve completed the compiling for my assignment due tonight, and I really hope that we get a good mark. Gah! Fingers crossed! Now that some of the exam stuff is coming out I’m feeling a little calmer, but things are still pretty hectic at school.