Life :: An Update

I’m. So. Tired.

It’s probably not even natural how tired I am all the time. I should probably start taking my vitamins again. Just looking at my schedule tires me out. I can feel myself slowly starting to burn out. Even though I’m not really doing all that much, it’s just a lot in a day. And since I’m not getting to bed before 12, it’s burning me out that much faster.

In the mornings, I loathe getting out of bed. This morning I didn’t even open my eyes until I was almost at my closet and had to pick clothes to wear. Which is so much easier now that I’m getting a work wardrobe. Dress pants and a dress shirt. I need less summery ones though. Fall is definitely here with a vengence! Time to start digging out my winter wardrobe. Scarf and hat time!

I look out the window at work, and it’s raining. Boourns. And it looks like a cold rain. All grey and dreary. I have all these great plans to get out of bed at 6.30 and get ready for work. Get everything done, eat breakfast at home. That has yet to happen. Every morning my alarm goes off at 6.30 and I hit snooze repeatedly until 7.40. Not good. And even then it’s a mission to get my ass out of bed.

Does anyone have any hints or ideas for getting out of bed on time? Other than going to bed earlier, because I know that one. It’s just tough to put that one into motion.
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