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Oh school. Ever the bane of my existence.
I finally got the results of my essay back, and I passed!! And I did amazingly well, 10/12 or 83%. Which is pretty darn good when it comes down to the fact that I’m a) terrible at essays, and b) haven’t written one in years. Makes me feel really good about the upcoming essays, even though my brother was definitely the reason that I did so well. Yay for amazing editing skillages.
Marketing… Oh marketing. I have a test this week which I have yet to prepare for, and a major assignment due next week. Although I’ve completed about 80% of the project, it’s really the test and everything is just piling up making me a little stressed out. But not enough to stop me from reading manga until the wee hours of the morning…. *cough*
MicroEconomics is going well I think. I don’t have any discussion this week coming, just a quiz on Friday which will be fairly easy I think. Which will give me more time to work on more important things, like my case study and essays.