It feels like it’s been awhile since I last posted (the last one about the kitten not included…), posted anything about my actual life. I’ve been relatively busy, and relatively lazy. I’ve only been online during work, and that’s not really being online. I don’t think I’ve turned on my computer once.. other than to charge my Kobo eReader.
Ok so.. updates… Andrew is having a blast out on the East Coast, while I’m impatiently counting down the days until I leave for the West Coast (8 days and counting!). He’s learnt that he’s prime cougar bait, and even though he says he has a girlfriend, that doesn’t stop them from inviting him home… Awkward. I think it’s hilarious, only because a) I’m not jealous of 40yos, and b) I’m starting to get more secure in our relationship. I haven’t been worried about him at all, and cheating isn’t really an issue anyways. He keeps sending me all these great pictures of scenery, landscapes, and random things of him, which are usually always good for a laugh.
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So sexy 😉 |
While he’s out galavanting around Canada, I’ve been here. Playing baseball, cleaning my room, playing with my cat. Having Kumo around has been a great distraction from him not being there, but it’s also been nice to be with my mom more, and just be able to chill. The bro and the faj have been working/not around when mom and I are together, so it’s been nice to sit, watch tv, eat popcorn and play with the cat together. Lives have been busy, and I want to be able to cherish every moment we have together since I may or may not be living at home with her for much longer.
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Via Tumblr. I wish I looked like this playing… |
This weekend, there was no chill relaxing days on a beach by his cottage. Nope, just some hard core baseball. Friday night was our leagues first playoff game. Which, sadly, we lost. Badly too. We just weren’t together for it. Disappointing, but what can you do about it. I kept striking out, which wasn’t helpful to the team either. Frustrating, but we all went home, had a good night’s sleep, and up early in the morning for our weekend tourney. Saturday was intense. We won our first game of the day, lost the second, and won the third. Which meant that we got to go on to the next day. It was a lot of fun, and I played really well. I hit every time, even if I didn’t get to first, I got someone home. Good job, Jasmine. On the Sunday, I played just as well, but was so tired and sore. We had so much pressure to win our first game, which we did so we proceeded on to the quarter-finals. Woot, go us. We lost that game though, but I was slightly glad because I was about ready to drop dead. I went home, and pretty much ate and passed out. It was a good, busy weekend though. Andrew was giving me shit because I wasn’t the first person to wish him happy birthday, and when he called me that night, I had forgotten. It was late, and I was tired. I had already thought about calling him during the day to wish him happy birthday, but apparently that wasn’t fast enough for his liking. *rolls eyes* Boys.
I’ve been seriously loafting on the cleaning of my room though. I have so much laundry to put away, it’s ridiculous. I’m just can’t wait to start packing for my trip though, I think I’m going to pull down the suitcase tonight.! Thinking about leaving for my trip makes the fact that I failed my G test on Monday so much more appealing. Sigh, made me cry, and I called him crying. Haha, what a loser. People fail that test all the time, but I’m an over achiever that way. Such is life. I’ll get over it, and redo it in a couple weeks. Such a waste of money though. FML.