Holidays +

Via Tumblr.

I’m actually really excited for this year’s upcoming holidays. I’m not in the US so I don’t have Thanksgiving coming up, but it’s just a few more weeks until Christmas, and it’s really got me wanting to move out so that I can decorate my own place (plus, I read a lot of decor blogs and they have me inspired as well).

I really would love to be more DIY, and I think that I should be. I have a feeling that once I move out I’ll be much more inclined to decorate (it’ll most likely be like a holiday bomb went off.. I might go overboard). I have such plans that I want to do for when I move out, and decorating my house. I want to have it perfect.

Knowing me, it’ll be far from perfect, but it’ll be happy. Living the life that I want, hopefully with Andrew. That would be ideal. *mind runs off with ideas* Before I go planning out my entire future, here are some things that are inspiring me right now. And now I’m getting off topic.

Christmas. I’ve done my shopping, just a few loose ends to wrap up (haha no pun intended… because I do still need to do my wrapping). I decided to cut down on who I was purchasing for, and that I wouldn’t be spending shitloads on my family (again). I’m trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to make for Christmas baking. I have breakfast done, some desserts, but I’m not sure how many parties I’m going to be going too. Either way, I think I’m baking pretty much my entire holiday. Can’t wait to start!

I can’t believe it’s just over a month to the holidays. Where has this year gone?
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