Sigh. It’s Friday again, and I have to stop spending. It’s all the little things that are setting me back. Going to get coffees before class. Stopping in at Walmart and picking up things, a couple bucks here and there add up super quick. I’ve gotten lax about it. Using credit cards sucks, and rocks at the same time. It’s nice to not have to carry cash, but it’s so easy to lose track of how much you’ve spent.
This month I’ve got to crack down. No more needless spending, especially with the holidays looming ahead of us. I will get this back under control. I was really good at one point, and then let myself slip back into bad habits. I just keep thinking about how much easier it will be when Andrew lives with me, but honestly it won’t be. I’ll still have to be as diligent, and I’ll still be saving all that money to buy a house. The only reason we’d live together is so that I can kind of catch up to him in the money saving department [among the other, more romantic reasons…]. There has also been another card thrown on the table… but I don’t want to talk about it until something actually comes of it.
Especially when things are looking like they’re going to be expensive. Gots to pay off the splurge that I’ve yet to take pictures of. I have to pay off my Royal excursion [which was way less then I thought it would be], and I’ve got maintenance on the car to get done. And possibly a new laptop in the works as mine gave me the blue screen of death, but it did come back. But the question is, how much longer will she last?! Sigh. I wanted a DSLR this Christmas, but looks like I might be getting a laptop. Maybe it’ll hold out til Boxing Day, and I can hit up a sale. Fingers crossed! Maybe if I’m luck I can get both??? That would be a miracle. And one that would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. Although, Best Buy has a decent deal going on right now… When I can’t afford it.