
Friday :: Goals and Love

Happy Friday everyone!!

This week has been a bit crazy, and although I had a majorly rough start to yesterday [slept in til 10! eek!] things have been looking pretty darn good.

Especially since it’s a Friday before a long weekend.  Do you have any plans? Originally I was going to head up to the cottage, but Andrew’s been complaining about the state of unpack in our place. And yah, it looks like a bomb dropped. Especially in the 2nd bedroom. Andrew texted me that it looked like our office sh*t out a walk-out closet. Which, it honestly does. I should take a before and after photo.

So my weekend will revolve around the usual things, homework and cleaning. And trying to to get too distracted by Netflix. Because INTERNET ARRIVES TONIGHT!!! So exciting, I’ve been so deprived. I can finally get caught up on my blog reading.

Goals this Weekend:
– Finish off all my assignments for school!!! Just a few more left!
– Clean and organize my ENTIRE apartment. Take blog photos
– Take blog photos
– Get caught up on blog reading
– Relax!

And this week’s link love [I realize these are really old posts]:
– Kara over at I Just Might Explode always takes gorgeous photos, it’s one of my favourites. And this post makes me want to start listening to more Queen Bey.
– As if I need any more inspiration, this clutch organizer is just genius!
– I need to do this scalp treatment stat. It’ll be interesting because I have never done a hair treatment.

These are some of the lovely ladies that I’ve been interacting with on Twitter more, give them a look!
Amy Loves
Lauren Green

Let me know if you check any of them out, or already follow them! 
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