Friday :: Blog Love

Grand Soiree 😀

Happy Friday everyone!

Can you believe that it’s here already? I can’t. I’m so excited for my little bloggy here, I’m thinking about making some major changes, and I can’t wait to getting around to implementing them. Keep your eyes peeled for them!

Anyways, that being said, here are some of the goals that I hope to achieve this weekend:
– POSTCARDS. I need to find and get these sent out stat.
– Relax. Because I don’t have any assignments due anymore.
– Get my apartment cleaned up, and set up the office in the 2nd room.
– Get caught up on my blog reading!

I think the most important thing for me right now is setting up that damn back room office. It’s been on my to-do list for such a long time, and it’s driving me crazy! It’s a major piece of the puzzle that needs to be completed and will help me with my motivation/inspiration for work, school, and blogging. I’m just bursting at the seams with ideas. I can’t wait to get them implemented.

Now time for some blogger love! This week, these caught my eye:
– This post [and quote] really hit me in a massive way. Eloquently written as well, Sophie’s blog is definitely one to check out!
– This post on organization from Little Red is really good, especially for those of us trying to fit it all in!
– Can I just say that these earrings are gorgeous? Found via Just
– This kitchen bookcase is a must in any of my future homes, via Scared Toast.
Now That’s Pretty, a blog by Ally is one of my new favourites. Check her out, she’s just so colourful!

What have you guys been reading lately? Have a great weekend everyone! 
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