
Friday :: A Vintage Kind of Friday

Ahhh…. 2nd last long weekend of the summer is almost upon us (4 more hours until it commences). It’s definitely a nice break in the summer to have a long weekend every month. Not that I have any plans for this upcoming one, but it’ll just be nice to chill and relax, possibly catch up on some sleep (but we all know that won’t happen).

This weekend le boy won’t be around (he’s up at the cottage, and then working in Ottawa this coming week) so this weekend will be especially chill. Which means it’ll be a whole lot of movies, painting my nails, spending time with the family in the nights, and catching up on reading and journalling (actually spending time to do this…)
I already have a list of movies in my queue on my computer at home, so I can’t wait to just have them playing non-stop all weekend. Majority of the movies are old school, I’ve been in an old-school, vintage vibe lately. I’m going to actually watch Casablanca (I’ve only seen bits and pieces of it), a lot of Audrey Hepburn, Rita Hayworth, Elizabeth Taylor, Brigette Bardot, etc. I’ve never watched anything with Marilyn Monroe, so maybe I’ll dip into her collection as well. Lots of time this weekend for this!

Monday will be spent visiting my cousin and her new baby, and then trolling around Toronto looking for unique decor to have in the apartment, and possibly knee socks!

Have a lovely weekend!
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