
Friday :: A Short Week

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Thank goodness that this work week was only 3 days long. Not that it was strenuous by any means. But still. Super exciting because all of my books arrived yesterday, so I’ve been reading up a storm. I’ve reorganized my bookshelf so one whole cube is full of books that I still need to read. I’m taking this 25 books before March thing very seriously.
Yesterday I ended up getting my phone fixed [apparently the SIM card got damaged… God knows how that happened] and was fixed a lot quicker than I thought it would take. It’s so nice to have access to my PHONE again. Although, the battery was lasting so long with out it. Made a quick run to the bank and I was shockingly home at a decent hour. I cleaned up my lunch dishes, put some dinner on, and had a cup of hot chocolate. Finished a couple books, started another, and watched a movie.

This morning I was woken up by Andrew getting into bed, and he was pretty restless last night. Then the unsavoury sounds of him retching this morning, showed that he had a little bit of a rough night last night.  [Note: He’s sick.] Definitely not the sexiest sounds to hear in the morning while trying to get ready for work. But I will say that it had me up earlier than usual this morning. It was actually nice to not sleep in. I think that’s going to be my new goal from now on as well.

I’m currently working on a 101 in 1001 list, and I’m at 52 things. Thinking of things are hard! I’m constantly thinking of things for inspiration… But 101 things are a lot. Although, I am making progress? I’m sure I can get most of this stuff done by then. Wish me luck!
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