
Food :: Mixed Berry Tart

It’s no Baker’s Royale, but it was delicious!

Ah-mazing. This recipe is so delicious, and SO EASY, but it comes across as something so much more complicated than it is. Shh. people don’t need to know that though. Domestic Goddess-status here I come!

I made this as a sort of last minute adjustment to my fruit and whipped cream addition to the brunch on Saturday morning. I made up the crust dough Friday night, which was perfect because I definitely wouldn’t have had time in the morning before. I barely had enough time as it was, but I got it out.

It turned out amazingly! Even with the fighting of getting the dough and berries off the cutting board, and onto the baking sheet. Some casualties occurred, but nothing to serious. Some major panic on my part, as the clock was ticking and I couldn’t get it on there. I also didn’t let it cool long enough at all because I was in such a rush. It definitely does need that time, but it won’t kill it if you don’t. I also made whipped cream to go along side it, and it definitely was delish!

And it looked fancier than just plain berries in a dish.  
For the recipe, click the link under the picture!
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