Canadian made fashion and jewellery makes me happy! Did you make it out to Made Inland?
This post is a little behind in coming out, but still super exciting! Back in September, I met the lovely Sarah at the Cocktail Crawl fashion event, and she told me about the event that she was putting together – Made InLand.
Well, I made it out to the event, and it was amazing! There was a good amount of vendors, and while it wasn’t a huge show, it only took about an hour to fully browse, there were some amazing designs to look at. I really enjoyed seeing Canadian made items, and definitely know where I’ll be going in the future for long lasting, classic items.
I was definitely really drawn towards the jewellery this time… Even though I barely wear any! The top jewellery vendors that caught my eye were:
My favourite clothing designer was Elisa C Rossow, from Montreal. Her clothing was stunning, and while I’m definitely not in the market for her items, I definitely will think of her when I am. Her work with leather was just amazing. I am in love with her skirt though. Pockets! Midi length! Perfection!