Books :: YA Library Haul

I am now a full Oakville citizen, I’ve gotten myself a library card!

And of course, I decided to browse the teen shelves and see what’s was there. And I wasn’t disappointed. I decided to start with three, because you know, just in case I didn’t get to them and finish before the due date.

I was kind of surprised to see that there were copies of Winter by Marissa Meyer on the shelf, so I immediately jumped on it. I haven’t finished the series yet, and it’d been on my to-read list once I got a library card. One I can now check off the list!

The Finishing School Series sounded intriguing and my only regret is that I didn’t take out the whole series while I was there! A school to train you how to become a spy or an assassin is pretty awesome, set in a slightly historical fiction world. A little bit younger for me, but still so good. Well written and fast paced, I enjoyed the way the heroine was smart, but underestimated by her family, and even some of her teachers. I’m definitely interested in her, and how she progresses through the rest of her schooling.

I almost walked by this one, Pegasus, but the title and the cover drew me in. Plus, flying horses = awesome. The concept of being bound with a Pegasus, and being able to talk to it fascinated me. It’s a pretty quick read, but a little slow during the middle. You know something is going to happen, but it does take a little time to get there. It kind of feels like there should be a second one, but I can’t seem to find anything about it? I think it’s a standalone, but it doesn’t read that way. Slightly disappointing in that regard.

And of course, Winter. The thrilling conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles series, and totally makes me want to re-read the whole series again. So perf. I loved how this ended, and thought that it wrapped up all the ends nicely. I definitely didn’t want to put it down once I started, and finished it all in one night.  I don’t want to give too much away, but all the characters were fantastic, and the romantic in me was definitely pleased with how it all turned out.

I’ve already taken out another batch, and I’ve got 4 books on hold. I’m addicted, and I’m adding going to the library once a week back to my summer things to do.


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