Beauty :: Things to Achieve


Alright, this is a bit of a different post. This week I’m doing a bit of a series called “Things To Achieve”. I’m writing in all the categories that I write about [beauty, life, and fashion] and discuss things that I’d like to achieve… Goals, ambitions, etc. Hope you enjoy!

So for beauty, it’s mainly routine for me. I’d like to achieve:

Washing my face everyday, twice a day.
Putting make up on every day. Even if it’s just mascara and lipstick.  
Styling my hair better. Or, just period. 
Putting cream on more regularly. I always fall off the tracks with this one. 
Making sure I have no chips on my nails. 
Regular nail care – filing and cuticle care!
Is there something that I should be doing? Any suggestions for me to add to a beauty routine are welcome! 
My main thing is not skipping steps out of laziness! 
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