A Study of People

I have a sudden fascination with the way that people interact and how people choose who they choose. I’ve always been an avid people watcher, but now I want more of a scientific background as to WHY. This is very strange for me because honestly, before I could really have cared less about anything scientific. This post is just my musings and questions about things that I have no idea about. Don’t take my word for it, because it’ll probably be wrong. Research stuff yourself. =)

I want to learn more about cycles… and how birth control affects them. Whether guys are more attracted to girls on or off birth control. I read that men are more attracted to women when they are in a natural cycle and about to get their periods. (ABC News) I’m suddenly really curious in this because when I went out on Saturday night, it was so weird because guys were all over me. And guys are NEVER all over me. Now I’m wondering, did this have anything to do with the fact that I had just stopped taking birth control, and am at the highest point in my cycle? And are they attracted to me, or just the pheromones? I’ll probably never know that, but it does raise the question. There are a lot of studies about how being on birth control changes the way you look at men, and changes the type of man that one would regularly fall for.

Another question that I wonder about is are there some people that just are made to be single? What makes us want to be single? Is it because there isn’t a compatible other out there for us in the world? That would be a slightly depressing thought. I’m certain that everyone has a “somebody” because that’s how we procreate. Although I’m sure that there are some people who just should not have kids… What makes us want or not want kids? I am well-placed in my corner of not having kids. Is it a genetic thing to not want to have kids, to not have that urge to populate the world? Especially in this world, I would not want to raise a kid (if I was so inclined). I think there are so many kids that need to be adopted or fostered that we do not need to keep spawning more. It’s supposed to be ingrained to want to make your line continue on, to have generations of kids. What happened to me? *not that I would change it, I’m just saying*

I talked to my mom about this and she was saying that she thinks that it’s when you meet the person you’re supposed to want all that. It’s like, something just clicks and makes it right and you start wanting to procreate.

Gah, so many questions, so little answers!

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