[Un]Attractive Qualities

Via Tumblr.

It’s funny the conversations that one can have with only certain people. I went for my wax(which is awesome.. totally worth it, and it’s not that painful) a couple weeks ago (yes, this post has been queued for a while) and the girl that does it for me is awesome. Super cute, and just so friendly. She’s a little younger than me, and it’s cool. She’s married, (which is crazy!) and we were talking about girls and how we are ingrained to be embarassed about our bodily functions. Yes, random, but not really when she’s all up in my business… It’s funny that everyone thinks the same, but you think it’s just you thinking that way. “I’m not the only one” is a line that is often heard when girls are talking about anything. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who has a hard time to do something “unattractive” around my boyfriend, especially since she’s been living with her husband for a long time!

It’s bizarre how the mind works, especially mine. I’m super shy sometimes with my body, and how it looks, but I’m alright to go and let someone wax in pretty much the most private area of the body. Weird? I think so. Somedays I can’t even walk around naked in front of Andrew (much to his chagrin). Comfortability will only come with time, but I’m hot now, so I need to get over myself. Just like I wish that I could go with out a bra comfortably… And not have to worry about anything.
Oh the pains one goes through to look good for everyone else.

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